Bonelli's eagles visit

Friday, 14 December 2012

Here we are at the recent Day of The Associations in Torrevieja

We are also looking forward to sharing a Christmas lunch together and to a new programme of  'hands on' work in the park next year.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Recent Visit to Salt Works

The Volunteers of La Mata (the Asociación de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal) enjoyed a guided visit to the Salinas (Saltworks ) site this week, to see how the salt is produced.  The process was explained and also the fact that this is the only place where salt is produced in this way, with a type of dredger, whereas much salt, as in Santa Pola is by the drying out of salt pans.  The highlight of the visit was a trip out onto the Laguna in a flat bottomed barge type of boat, where we saw the dredging machine in action, scooping the salt and debris from the lake, and tipping the salt and other detritus into barges, pulled by a tug.  We then saw the washing and separating process.  Next time we shake salt onto our meals we shall think a bit harder as to how it arrived there!  The Salinas Company welcomes groups of visitors so as to further involve the public in this unique production of a vital substance.  There is a very good video of the process in the Salt Interpretation Center, which is just next to the Alzheimer center in Torrevieja.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

A visit to the Peñón de Ifach

A group of Volunteers of La Mata – the Asociación de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal – recently went to visit the Peñón at Calpe.  Greeted by Fran Lucha, we were taken up the rocky hill, where the wonderful views stretched out in front of us.  Our guide explained the significance of the plants and bushes and told us how in the past they were commonly used for medicine, cooking and making articles; now they have fallen mainly into disuse in modern times.  We saw many gulls flying overhead and two fluffy gull chicks.  Fran pointed out the many flowers tucked into the rock face, some of which are not found anywhere else in the world.  Great efforts are being made to encourage these to propagate and increase.  The entire area is only 45 square metres and holds many treasures.  The latest of these to be highlighted   is the medieval city which had been covered by an hotel, and is now in the process of being revealed.  With a bit of history thrown in, plus the many interesting features of the Peñón, we enjoyed a wonderful day of pleasure and discovery.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Visit to Water Treatment plant

We had a really interesting outing to the Torrevieja water treatment plant recently. Around a dozen of us took part.
We saw what happens to waste water and how it is purified until it can be used for the roads, watering fields and parks and so on. Never for human consumption, though!
Courtesy of our Press Officer Jenny an article and photos of our visit appeared in the local press - our fame spreads!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Asociation de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 6th February 2012

1) The meeting was opened by Maggie and there were no new members. Maggie took the opportunity to than Maureen for all her hard work and efforts as President. The group showed their appreciation of her commitment and we are pleased that she is still willing to remain a member and give support when her other commitments allow.

2) Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

3) Matters Arising: To date, the insurance premium has not been deducted from the Bank Account. Before we pay the insurance, we need to ascertain that we will be involved in working parties in future. Maggie will e mail Anabel for guidance. The visit to the Water Treatment Plant will go ahead and Jenny will send more detailed directions as soon as possible. The Day of the Associations on December 4th was a very successful event and we hope to participate in the future.

4) Elections: Rod Loveday (President), Geoff Tunbridge (Treasurer), Jenny Dodd (Press Officer) and Maggie Hegarty (Secretary).

5) The future of the volunteers with reference to the employment situation in the Park: Rod and Maureen will arrange to see Conchita to ensure that we are not jeapordising the jobs of the staff in any way.

6) Treasurer's Report: 89.06 Euros (bank account), 40 Euros (float), 70 Euros (to be paid into bank account) and 106 Euros (donation to EMAUS fron sale of calendars.)



Asociation de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal
Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 1st December 2011

1) The meeting was opened by Maureen and there were no new members.
2) Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
3) Matters Arising: Insurance renewal is due in January and volunteers were reminded to pay it to Geoff. Isabel has organised a visit to the Water Treatment Plant and this will take place on 16th February.
4) Maureen reminded the group that she will be standing down as President and we will need to elect a new President at the A.G.M. in 2012.
5) Treasurer's Report: Maureen gave Geoff 30 Euros which was a donation from a group of German visitors to the Park.