Friday, 15 October 2010
1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS - Maureen opened the meeting and welcomed one new member, Tove.
2. PRESENT: D. Bosito, M. Curran, J. Dodd, G & M Hegarty, S. Hobbs, M. Mansilla, M. Moss, P. Taylor, D. Tomaszek, G. Tunbridge, R. Whiteing, and B. Wyllie.
3. APOLOGIES: J. Bosito, A. Cook, C & H Fuller, P. Green, R & J Loveday, I. Skagersborgh and C & M Young.
5. MATTERS ARISING - (a) The visit to El Hondo will take place at a later date. It was suggested that Ray Marsh might be able to accompany us on a future visit. (b) Maureen informed the group that the Mad Hatters' Tea Party raised 1,600 Euros for Apanee. (c) The Sponsored Walk for this Charity will be held on 31st October. Maureen gave details to those attending the meeting. If you did not attend the meeting, please contact Maureen if you intend to take part or help with this walk so that she can brief you.
6. VISIT BY VALENCIA OFFICIALS - 18TH OCTOBER - Officials wish to discuss our voluntary work and talk to us about invasive plants. It is important that volunteers make every effort to attend this meeting. At the meeting on Thursday, nine volunteers promised to attend. Anabel has already informed volunteers of the event. The meeting will take place at the Casa Forestal at 11.15.
7. DUTY ROTA - The rota has been provisionally updated.
MONDAY - Jenny and Maureen
TUESDAY - Geoff and Sheena
WEDNESDAY - Dennis and Doug
THURSDAY - Richard and Tove
FRIDAY - Rod, Sheena and Ingrid
SATURDAY - Cavan, Helen and (perhaps) Peter?
SUNDAY - Beth, Maggie and George
8. MAINTAINING AN UP TO DATE MEMBERSHIP LIST - Maggie would like the list to reflect an accurate list of memberts. She suggested that, if a volunteer misses three meetings and does not send an apology or explanation, they are removed from the list. Obviously this does not apply to the experts in our group who offer support and advice when they are able.
9. WORKING PARTIES - To date, we have no date for these projects. Further details may be available after the meeting on the 18th.
10. BANK ACCOUNT AND INSURANCE - The account has not been opened yet because the treasurer was on holiday. Maureen, Geoff and Anabel will deal with this as soon as possible.
11. TREASURER'S REPORT - Maggie has handed the money and records to Geoff. There is now a balance of 80 Euros in the account.
12. A.O.B. - Jenny mentioned a 2011 calendar which details all public holidays and events. She has found it to be extremely useful and informative and will try to get a supply of them for volunteers to purchase if they wish. The cost is between 3 and 4 Euros.
With regard to the minutes' secretary, Richard has kindly agreed to take on this role.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 9th September 2010 in the La Mata Hall for the Association of Wine Growers
The Blog address is:
1. Welcome and introduction of new members
The President opened the meeting and welcomed one new member, Jack.
2. The attendance sheet was circulated and signed. Present: Maureen Moss (President), Pen Taylor, Maggie Hegarty (Secretary), Richard Whiteing, Ingrid Skagerbord, George Hegarty, Karen Brooks, Dennis Tomaszek, Beth Wyllie, Helen Fuller, Jenny Dodd, Peter Green (Minutes Sec.), Chris and Maureen Young, Alby Cook, Marian Mansilla, and Jack Giboin.
3. Apologies: Cavan Fuller, Geoff Tunbridge (Treasurer), Sheena Hobbs, Rod and Joy Loveday, Doug and Joyce Bosisto.
4. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 10th June 2010, were approved and signed.
Matters arising from previous General Meeting
(a) Bank Account - It was agreed that the two signatories would be the Treasurer (Geoff Tunbridge) and the President of the Association (Maureen Moss). Maureen read out the document which will enable us to open a bank account. The account will require a 35 Euro maintenance fee each year. Once this has been done, we can apply for insurance for the volunteers.
(b) Anabel's Meeting with the Volunteers - As the fire in the park has caused extra work for the full-time staff, this meeting has been put back to Monday 13th September at 10.30 a.m. The work of replanting the affected area is on hold until further notice.
(c) Maggie, in the absence of Geoff, reported that 150 Euros has been handed to Anabel in respect of the insurance and the 75 Euros, which she still has, will be handed over to the new treasurer as soon as possible.
(d) It was agreed that Jenny Dodd will continue as contact for the local newspapers.
5. President's Report - Maureen reported that the Wine Route notices and rope fences have been vandalised.
6. Outings -
(a) Maureen has received an e mail from Jose Ramon suggesting three routes at El Hondo. It was suggested we try a visit on Saturday 3rd October. Maureen to arrange.
(b) It was proposed that we arrange a visit to The Eagle's Nest during the fledgling period next year.
7. Any Other Business
(a) The Lions' Club have an event at La Casa de La Pedrera entitled "Mad Hatters' Tea Party". This will be organised by the proprietor, Jenny, who has appeared in the TV programme "Grand Designs". The entry for the charity Apeny will be 5 Euros per person, including one child, then 2.50 Euros extra per child. This will be held on Sunday September 26th from 3 - 6 p.m. Sponsorship of 5 Euros per person is possible with a donation to this charity.
(b) The Lions' Club will be holding a sponsored walk of 5 km at La Mata for the charity Apeny. Marshalls will be required for approximately one hour. The Lions' Club will accept sponsorship by way of donation from those not able to take part. The date for this event is 31st October.
(c) Peter indicated that he will produce more badges on request for new members.
(d) Peter advertised the Guardamar Feria Outlet on 10th, 11th and 12th September in the Plaza de Constitucion, Friday 18.00 - 24.00, Saturday 10.00 - 14.00 and 17.00 - 01.00, and Sunday 10.00 - 14.00 and 17.00 - 22.00.
(e) Peter also mentioned that Guadamar Casa de Cultura have a programme of films (in Spanish). The programme is available from the tourist office and Casa de Cultura.
The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 14th October, 2010 at 10.00.
There being no further business, the President closed the meeting at 11 a.m.
. Asociacion de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal
Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 10th June 2010
in the La Mata Hall for the Association of Wine Growers
The Blog address is:
1. Welcome and introduction of new members. The President opened the meeting and welcomed three new members, Ann, Lyn and Milli. The President also stated that Anabel from the Park had hoped to attend but had been delayed in Alicante.
2. The Attendance Sheet was circulated and signed. Those present:
Maureen Moss (President), Joy Loveday (Secretary),Richard Whiteing, Geoff Tunbridge, Sheena Hobbs, Ingrid Skagerbord, Rod Loveday, Doug Bosisto, Maggie Hegarty (Treasurer), George Hegarty, Karen Brooks, Joyce Bosisto, Dennis Tomaszek, Beth Wyllie, Helen Fuller, Jenny Dodd, Ann McCafferty, Lyn Young, Milli Curran.
3. Apologies were received from: Peter Green, Chris & Maureen Young,
Cavan Fuller
4. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th May 2010 were approved and signed. Peter Green had commented on the planting in the minireserve. Peter pointed out that if the pathway was impassable during wet conditions and cyclists/members of the public were using the “mini reserve” as a way to avoid the mud and water, that perhaps the Park authorities should put this right before planting new seedlings etc. Peter had been informed that this point had been raised at the planting session but was not, at that time, taken note of by those officials present. George also made the point that motorised vehicles were also causing damage to this area. Ingrid mentioned that one of her neighbours had told her of seeing quadbikes using the Park during the early part of the morning and late into the evening and this point was re-enforced by Sheena and Geoff. George suggested that perhaps a wooden walkway would be a way of overcoming this difficulty. The President undertook to bring this to the notice of the staff at the Park Office.
Matters arising from the previous General Meeting
(a) Bank Account – It was agreed that the two signatories would be the Treasurer and President of the Asociacion. At present these would be Geoff Tunbridge and Maureen Moss
(b) El Fondo – Doug and Joyce had suggested a visit to El Fondo Natural Park to see the endangered white-headed duck if possible. It was agreed that plans for this visit would be made in, say, October when the weather was cooler.
(c) Anabel’s Report on the work of the Volunteers. In Anabel’s absence, Karen read part of the report Anabel had presented to the Volunteers on 1st June 2010 detailing all the work they had done under the Invasive Plants project. Anabel reported that, on average, 7 members turned up for work each time, they eliminated ten species of non-indigenous plants manually, 1,650 square metres had been cleared amounting to 77.63 cubic metres. On average, each volunteer cleared 1 square metre each session. Anabel, the Park officials and the Valencia Team were most impressed by the work done on this Project by the Volunteers.
(d) Maureen explained that Anabel had asked if any Volunteers would be prepared to explain the Alien Invasive Plants project to the general public at local meetings etc., and several volunteers said they would be prepared to do this. Also practical matters like new wooden signs pointing out the micro reserve and “no cycling” boards were required. After ascertaining that this would cause no upset or offence to the Park Staff, who would welcome any help as they were understaffed at present, several offers of help were made. All this information would be passed on to Anabel.
(e) Appointment of New Secretary – After some discussion it was agreed that Maggie would relinquish the Treasurer’s appointment and take up the Secretary’s task on the basis that Peter, as Minutes Secretary, would continue to take the Minutes and send out the Agenda. Geoff volunteered to take over as Treasurer.
(f) Rod suggested that the President outline briefly the type of things the Volunteers undertook for the benefit of the new people at the meeting and Maureen explained about “patrolling” the Park, reporting infringements of Park Rules to the Office, providing information for Valencia which they used to monitor what was happening, litter picking and, of course, most importantly, the social side of the Group.
Treasurer’s Report – Maggie reported that €150 had been handed to Anabel in respect of the insurance and £75 which she still held would be handed over to the new Treasurer (Geoff) as soon as practically possible.
Any Other Business – Maureen reported that Pen Taylor had difficulty in attending many of the events/meetings arranged for Thursdays and asked of it was possible for the date of the Rio Seco walk to be changed as Pen had “missed out” on the visit to the Eagles at Crevillente and one or two other trips that had been arranged. It was agreed that the date for this event would be changed to Saturday, 3rd July 2010. Those who wished to “go in convoy” should meet at the Car Park at the Park Offices at 8.30 am. Maureen would lead the way! Those who knew the way to the meeting point at the Car Park at Campoamor should arrange to be there at 9.15 am. It was suggested that those attending bring a “picnic” as there were no cafes etc nearby. Dogs on leads would be welcome.
Those doing the trip to Lo Pagan should meet at 8.45 am on Saturday, 19th June 2010 (no alteration to previous arrangements) and, again, dogs would be welcome.
The date of the next meeting would be Thursday, 9th September 2010 at 10.00 am.
There being no further business, the President closed the meeting and wished everyone an enjoyable summer but hoped to see many at the various social events that were planned.