Bonelli's eagles visit

Friday, 6 September 2013


Baby kestrels
A group of 8 of us visited Antonio's to see the babies in their nest. Photos by Jenny - thank you!

See also this link:

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Visitors to our Park

This year we have welcomed a number of visitors to our lovely park, from Valencian Government officials to Twitchers, Costaleros and Writers - and all have been impressed with the beauty we all get to enjoy regularly.
One of the last groups to visit, the Torrevieja Writers' Circle, includes a keen photographer, Lisa Denton, who also happens to be the Chairperson of the group. She took some great photos which I've added to our collection today. Enjoy!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Recent entertaining and educational guided walks

We had a fun and educational walk in our park recently with Barry Chambers of Costa Blanca Bird Club. Here is a list of the birds we saw:

Blackbird                Cormorant              Collared Dove             Greenfinch          Yellow Legged Gull
Hoopoe                  Crested Lark           Kentish Plover            Sanderling           Serin
Woodchat Shrike    House Sparrow      Spotless Starling        Little Stint             Stonechat
Stone-Curlew         Swallow                  Red Rumped Swallow Common Swift    Pallid Swift
Common Tern        Turnstone               Sardinian Warbler       Woodpigeon
Iberian Green Woodpecker

After our last monthly meeting Mike Yates kindly volunteered to lead an impromptu walk to look at 'Flowering Plants'. A small but appreciative group enjoyed his excellent guiding skills.

We very much appreciate the contribution our knowledgeable visitors make to our group. We are growing not only in enthusiasm but also in number!

Thursday, 28 March 2013


On Saturday 23rd March a group of about a dozen Volunteers went to the upper part of the Natural Park of La Mata to carry out a litter pick. We started beside the pigeon lofts and were able to see a flock of painted pigeons flying about while we were working. The Park seems to be relatively clean at present which is very encouraging and it’s nothing like the way it was when we did the first litter pick, when we had several large bags of rubbish of all kinds. We had 2-3 large plastic bags full at the end of our two hour stint and in the process enjoyed meeting and chatting as we searched the ground for any litter.
Jenny Dodd